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5 Vital Dog training tips for a perfect start at Home

 Setting up a strong foundation for your new furry companion is vital, Discover the 5 essential things to teach your new dog as soon as they arrive home for a harmonious and well-trained pet. Let's dive into the world of effective dog training!

5 Vital Dog training tips for a perfect start at Home
5 Vital Dog training tips for a perfect start at Home

5 important things to teach your new dog as soon as he arrives home

Training a dog takes a lot of time and patience. It must start as soon as he arrives at home.

Welcoming a dog into your home, and your family is a big responsibility. He must acquire, by your side, positive behavior so that the cohabitation takes place in the best conditions and that the animal is happy. For this, you must start learning it as soon as possible. As soon as he arrived, in fact.

What commands should I teach my new dog first?

When it comes to training a new dog, focusing on essential commands is crucial. Start with basic commands like "sit," "stay," "down," and "come." Begin in a quiet, distraction-free environment and use treats or rewards to reinforce desired behavior. Break down each command into small steps, offering guidance and positive reinforcement along the way.

5 Vital Dog training tips for a perfect start at Home
5 Vital Dog training tips for a perfect start at Home

Consistency is key in teaching commands, so practice them daily and gradually introduce more advanced commands as your dog becomes proficient. Remember to keep training sessions short, enjoyable, and positive, ensuring that your new dog associates training with fun and rewards.

Here are 5 things you need to start teaching him from the start…

  1. Teach him basic commands: Sit, lie down, stop, walk... These commands will make your life and your daily interaction easier. They are also guarantees of safety, preventing him, for example, from moving away, crossing the road, or ingesting a harmful substance.
  2. Assign him a corner of his own: Right from the start, give your dog a place of his own. This corner is its bed that materializes it. This is the place where he will rest and observe what is happening around him. Choose a location that does not impede comings and goings and that is sheltered from drafts.
  3. Inculcate boundaries: Quickly set boundaries and be consistent. What is forbidden one day (sitting on the couch, begging at the table, jumping on guests...) should not be allowed the next day.
  4. Potty training him: Potty training takes time and encouragement. Take him out after meals and praise him when he relieves himself in the right place (not in a forbidden place, for example). And don't forget your little bags to pick up behind.
  5. Get him used to being home alone: It is not easy for a dog to keep his serenity when he finds himself alone at home. However, you will be led to be absent often and therefore to confront it with emptiness and loneliness.

To get him used to it, start with short absences (3 hours, for example), having taken care to leave him a bone to chew and toys to occupy him. Then, lengthen the durations gradually. He must eventually understand that you will always be back.

5 Vital Dog training tips for a perfect start at Home
5 Vital Dog training tips for a perfect start at Home

How do I potty train my new dog?

Potty training is an essential aspect of welcoming a new dog into your home, Start establishing a consistent routine. Take your dog outside to the designated potty area at regular intervals, such as after meals, playtime, and waking up from naps.

Use positive reinforcement, like treats and praise, when they eliminate in the right spot. Be patient and consistent, as accidents may happen during the learning process. Avoid punishment or scolding, as it can create anxiety or confusion in your dog. With time, repetition, and a structured approach, your new dog will grasp the concept of potty training and become more reliable.

How can I prevent my dog from chewing on furniture?

Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, particularly when they are teething or bored. To prevent your dog from chewing on furniture, provide appropriate chew toys and bones. Encourage your dog to chew on these items by praising and rewarding them when they make the right choice.

If you catch your dog chewing on furniture, redirect their attention to a chew toy and provide positive reinforcement when they engage with it. Additionally, ensure that your dog gets enough mental and physical exercise to prevent boredom.

Consider using deterrent sprays on furniture or using baby gates to restrict access to certain areas until your dog learns appropriate chewing habits.

5 Vital Dog training tips for a perfect start at Home
5 Vital Dog training tips for a perfect start at Home

What's the best way to socialize my new dog with other pets?

Socializing your new dog with other pets is important for their well-being and the harmony of your household. Begin by introducing them to other pets in a controlled and neutral environment, such as a park or a friend's yard.

Keep initial interactions brief and positive, rewarding calm and friendly behavior. Gradually increase the duration and complexity of the interactions as your pets become more comfortable with each other. Supervise all interactions closely and intervene if any signs of aggression or discomfort arise.

Seek professional guidance if needed, especially if introducing dogs with known behavioral issues or past negative experiences.

How do I crate train my new dog properly?

Crate training can be useful for house training and providing a safe space for your new dog. Start by choosing an appropriately sized crate that allows your dog to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.

5 Vital Dog training tips for a perfect start at Home
5 Vital Dog training tips for a perfect start at Home

Introduce the crate gradually, making it a positive and inviting space by placing treats, toys, and a comfortable bed inside. Encourage your dog to explore and enter the crate voluntarily. Begin closing the door for short periods while you are present, gradually increasing the duration.

Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to reward your dog for calm behavior in the crate. Never use the crate as a form of punishment. With consistency and patience, your dog will learn to view the crate as a safe and secure den, making crate training a positive experience for both of you.

What are the essential commands to teach my new dog?

Here is a detailed answer about essential commands to teach your new dog:

  • "Sit": Teaching your dog to sit is crucial for basic obedience and control. Start by holding a treat close to their nose, then raise it slowly above their head. As their head follows the treat, their bottom should naturally lower into a sitting position. Reward and praise them when they sit.
  • "Stay": This command helps your dog learn self-control and prevents them from rushing out into unsafe situations. Begin by having your dog sit, then hold your hand up as a stop signal and say "Stay". Gradually increase the duration and distance before releasing them and rewarding their success.
  • "Come": Teaching your new dog to come when called is vital for their safety and your peace of mind. Use a happy tone and say their name followed by "Come" while backing away. Encourage them with treats or a toy, making it a positive experience when they reach you.
  • "Down": Teaching your dog to lie down on command can be useful in various situations. Start with your dog in a sitting position, then hold a treat near its nose and move it towards the ground. As they lower themselves to reach the treat, say "Down" and reward them when they are fully lying down.
  • "Leave it": This command helps prevent your dog from grabbing or consuming something they shouldn't. Hold a treat in your closed hand and say "Leave it". If they try to paw at it or sniff, ignore them until they stop. Once they lose interest, say "Take it" and offer them a different treat or toy.
  • "Drop it": This command is crucial for retrieving objects from your dog's mouth. Start with a toy they enjoy playing with, say "Drop it", and offer a treat in exchange. Repeat the process until they release the object willingly, rewarding them each time.
  • "Hell": Teaching your new dog to walk politely by your side is beneficial during walks. Start with your dog on a leash and use treats or rewards to keep them close to your side. Say "Heel" and begin walking, rewarding them for staying in the desired position.
  • "Off": This command helps your new dog understand not to jump on people or furniture. when your dog jumps, say "Off" and turn away or gently push them down. Once they have all four paws on the ground, reward them and give them attention.

Remember, consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key when teaching commands to your new dog. Gradually increase difficulty, practice regularly, and celebrate their successes to reinforce good behavior.


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