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30 species of common and rare stick bug | scientific name

 stick bug scientific name

The scientific name for stick bugs is Phasmatodea. They are a type of insect belonging to the order Phasmatodea and the subclass Pterygota.

stick bug scientific name
30 species of common and rare stick bug | scientific name

stick insect scientific name

Stick bugs are unique among insects because they lack wings, instead possessing protrusions on their abdomen that enable them to hold onto branches and keep still as a form of camouflage. 

They also have two elongated legs in the middle of their body which they use to walk very slowly. Stick bugs also possess hollow, tubular-shaped bodies, which makes them appear stick-like in appearance.

The scientific name for types of stick bug:

  1. Brown Walking Stick (Carausius morosus)
  2. Spiny Stick Insect (Eurycantha calcarata)
  3. Giant Prickly Stick Insect (Extatosoma tiaratum)
  4. Malaysian Stick Insect (Heteropteryx dilatata)
  5. Asian Walking Stick (Ctenomorpha Chronus)
  6. Malaysian Jungle Nymph (Hemisphaerius gigas)
  7. Indian Stick Insect (Carausius capitatus)
  8. Pink Winged Stick Insect (Sipyloidea sipylus)
  9. Longhorned Stick Insect (Rhipidocerus echmepteryx)
  10.  Australian Stick Insect (Stick Insects of Australia)

Stick bugs reproduce through viviparity, meaning that instead of laying eggs like most insects, the female will carry the eggs inside her until they hatch into nymphs. 

The nymphs look similar to the adults but are usually smaller in size. As they reach adulthood, the stick bug's body will become more elongated and spiky. They molt several times during their lifespan to reach maturity.

stick insect scientific name
30 species of common and rare stick bug | scientific name

Species of stick bug scientific name:

  • 11. Philippine Stick Insect (Sipyloidea sipyloides)
  • 12. White Banded Stick Insect (Timema cristinae)
  • 13. Spiny Leaf Insect (Phyllium bioculatum)
  • 14. Madagascar Stick Insect (Eurycnema goliath)
  • 15. American Stick Insect (Diapheromera femorata)
  • 16. Ornate Stick Insect (Deinacrida sp.)
  • 17. Giant Cave Stick Insect (Ctenomorpha gargantua)
  • 18. Blue-Horned Stick Insect (Sipyloidea colossea)
  • 19. Yellow-Spotted Stick Insect (Anisomorpha buprestoides)
  • 20. Rainbow Stick Insect (Carausius viridis)

Stick bugs have a unique defense mechanism that helps them to avoid predators: they remain motionless and blend in with their environment. This is why they are often referred to as walking sticks.

They also have the ability to secrete a foul-smelling liquid when threatened, which can be an effective deterrent. Some stick bug species, such as the pink-winged stick bug, also have wings, which they can use to flee predators.

stick insect scientific name
30 species of common and rare stick bug | scientific name

phasmatodea types scientific name:

  • 21. Canary Island Stick Insect (Eurycantha calcarata)
  • 22. Widow Stick Insect (Timema californica)
  • 23. Long-Headed Stick Insect (Phyllium westwoodii)
  • 24. African Stick Insect (Eurycnema spp.)
  • 25. Malaysian Spiny Stick Insect (Stenopelmatus sp.)
  • 26. Giant Spiny Stick Insect (Eurycnema goliath)
  • 27. Malaysian Bamboo Stick Insect (Heteropteryx dilatata)
  • 28. Dendrostick (Carausius morosus)
  • 29. Moth Stick Insect (Medauroidea extradentata)
  • 30. White-Spotted Stick Insect (Anisomorpha buprestoides)

Detailed explanation about each type of stick bug:

1. Brown Walking Stick (Carausius morosus): This species of stick bug has a cylindrical body that is usually light or dark brown in color, with several darker stripes and spots running along its length. They are found in areas near water sources, such as swamps, ponds, and rivers. 

2. Spiny Stick Insect (Eurycantha calcarata): This stick bug has a wide, rectangular body that is covered in small spines. It is usually green or brown in color, with small yellow spots along its back. They are commonly found in rainforests and other tropical habitats.

3. Giant Prickly Stick Insect (Extatosoma tiaratum): This species of stick bug has an armored body with large spikes that cover it from head to tail. The coloration of this species ranges from tan to green and can change slightly depending on its surroundings. They are found in tropical regions around the world.

4. Malaysian Stick Insect (Heteropteryx dilatata): This stick bug has a long, slender body that ranges in color from light green to brown. It has two large yellow eyespots on its head, which help it evade predators. It is found in tropical forests.

5. Asian Walking Stick (Ctenomorpha Chronus): This species of stick bug has a flat, elongated body with a row of spines running down the center. Its coloration varies between shades of brown, black, and gray. These stick bugs are found in tropical and subtropical climates throughout Asia.

6. The Malaysian Jungle Nymph (Hemisphaerius gigas) is a species of stick insect found in tropical forests of Malaysia and Indonesia. It has a long and slender body, usually green or brown in color, with yellow spots running down its length. 

It is covered in short spines and has two large eyespots on its head. It is an omnivorous species and feeds on small prey such as insects, fruits, and plants. It is also known to lay eggs in small holes in the ground, to hide from predators.

7. Indian Stick Insect (Carausius capitatus): This species of stick bug is typically light green or brown in color, with small spines running along its back. It has a long antennae and is found in tropical regions of India.

8. Pink Winged Stick Insect (Sipyloidea sipylus): This species of stick bug has a bright pink body and large wings. Its wings are lined with short spines, and its body is covered in small spikes. They are found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

9. Longhorned Stick Insect (Rhipidocerus echmepteryx): This stick bug has a cylindrical body with long antennae and long, spiky legs. It ranges in color from tan to brown and is found in desert regions of North America and parts of Central and South America.

10. Australian Stick Insect (Stick Insects of Australia): This species of stick bug ranges in color from brown to black, and is usually mottled in a pattern. It has long, spiny legs and is found in Australia and New Zealand.

stick bug scientific name
30 species of common and rare stick bug | scientific name

Detailed explanation about each type of stick insect:

  • 11. Philippine Stick Insect (Sipyloidea sipyloides): This species of stick bug is slender and green in color, with bright yellow stripes along its back. It is found in the Philippines, and is known for its large, colorful wings.
  • 12. White Banded Stick Insect (Timema cristinae): This species of stick bug has a cylindrical body that is tan to brown in color, with white stripes running down its length. It is found in desert regions of western North America.
  • 13. Spiny Leaf Insect (Phyllium bioculatum): This species of stick bug has a flat, oval-shaped body with small spines running along its back. It is usually green or brown in color, with dark spots along its back. It is found in rainforests and other tropical habitats.
  • 14. Madagascar Stick Insect (Eurycnema goliath): This species of stick bug has an elongated body that is usually tan to brown in color, and it is covered in short spines. It is found in the forests of Madagascar.
  • 15. American Stick Insect (Diapheromera femorata): This stick bug has a long, segmented body that is usually tan or brown in color. It has long antennae and is found in forests and fields of North America.
  • 16. Ornate Stick Insect (Deinacrida sp.): This species of stick bug has a long, cylindrical body that is usually brown or black in color, and it is covered in short spines or hairs. It is found in the forests of New Zealand and Australia.
  • 17. Giant Cave Stick Insect (Ctenomorpha Gargantua): This species of stick bug is usually black or dark brown in color, with white stripes running down its length. It has long antennae, and spiky legs, and is found in caves around the world.
  • 18. Blue-Horned Stick Insect (Sipyloidea colossea): This species of stick bug has a long, slender body with two large blue horns on its head. Its coloration varies from shades of green to black and is found in tropical climates.
  • 19. Yellow-Spotted Stick Insect (Anisomorpha buprestoides): This species of stick bug has a long, cylindrical body that is tan to brown in color. It has yellow spots running down its sides and is found in the forests of Central and South America.
  • 20. Rainbow Stick Insect (Carausius viridis): This species of stick bug has a long, cylindrical body with bright rainbow-colored stripes running down its length. It is found in tropical environments and is known for its bright colors.

stick insect scientific name
30 species of common and rare stick bug | scientific name

Detailed explanation about types of Phasmatodea:

  • 21. Canary Island Stick Insect (Eurycantha calcarata): This species of stick bug has a long, cylindrical body that is usually green or brown in color. It is covered in short spines and has two large yellow eyespots on its head. It is found in the Canary Islands and parts of Africa.
  • 22. Widow Stick Insect (Timema californica): This species of stick bug has a grayish-brown body and is covered in small spines. Its legs are very long and are used as defensive weapons against predators. It is found in the dry coastal regions of California.
  • 23. Long-Headed Stick Insect (Phyllium westwoodii): This species of stick bug has a slim, elongated body with a large head. It is usually tan to light brown in color and is found in tropical forests throughout Asia.
  • 24. African Stick Insect (Eurycnema spp.): This species of stick bug is usually black or dark brown in color with short spines covering its body. It is found in forests and savannahs of Africa.
  • 25. Malaysian Spiny Stick Insect (Stenopelmatus sp.): This species of stick bug is usually green or brown in color, with short spines covering its body. It is found in the tropical forests of Malaysia and Indonesia.
  • 26. Giant Spiny Stick Insect (Eurycnema goliath): This species of stick bug has a long, segmented body that is usually tan or brown in color. It is covered in short spines and is found in tropical forests around the world.
  • 27. Malaysian Bamboo Stick Insect (Heteropteryx dilatata): This species of stick bug has a long, slender body that is usually tan or brown in color. It has two large yellow eyespots on its head, and is found in tropical forests of Malaysia and Indonesia.
  • 28. Dendrostick (Carausius morosus): This species of stick bug has a cylindrical body that is usually light or dark brown in color, with several darker stripes and spots running along its length. They are found in areas near water sources, such as swamps, ponds, and rivers. 
  • 29. Moth Stick Insect (Medauroidea extradentata): This stick bug has a long, segmented body that is usually black or dark brown in color. Its legs have small spines on them, and its body is covered with small hairs. It is found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.
  • 30. White-Spotted Stick Insect (Anisomorpha buprestoides): This species of stick bug has a long, cylindrical body that is usually tan to brown in color. It has yellow spots running down its sides and is found in the forests of Central and South America.


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